Sorry we haven't posted anything since, like, Toledo. The beginning of our Morocco trip was such a whirlwind that we didn't even have time to sleep, let alone blog. The end of our Morocco trip, well...
We're back in Spain, having cut the Moroccan portion of our trip short by 4 days. We came down with a pretty serious bug in Marrekesh - maybe from the street food we ate there Sunday night, maybe from the orange juice that is apparently served in dirty glasses, maybe from the tap water I'm sure the ice cubes are made from. Regardless of how we got it, it absolutely devastated us. We were fine all day Monday, but both woke up on Tuesday spewing like Old Faithful. From both ends. It wasn't pretty.
We had originally planned on leaving Marrekesh on Tuesday afternoon/early evening, but that pretty obviously couldn't happen. We extended our stay for a night, and started thinking about what the next few days were going to entail. We had already decided to can the trip to the desert, so our next stop was to be Fez by train. The thought of sitting on a Moroccan train for 8 hours only to arrive in another hot, stinky, crowded city where we couldn't trust the food was too much to bear for us in our condition at that point, so instead we bought two easyJet tickets to Madrid and flew back to Spain. We spent the night there on Wednesday and then trained to Seville on Thursday. We've been in bed pretty much ever since. Finally made it out to a pharmacy today for some low-level antibiotics. If they don't kick this, then a trip to the hospital is probably in order.
Hopefully the pills work - we've got reservations in Portugal on Monday night.
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